Workpackages and Objectives
To assess the potential for sustainable transformation, alternative policies and practices in Swiss agriculture, we conduct inter- and transdisciplinary research in five different workpackages (WP) and integrate expertise from environmental science and chemistry, agricultural economics, health sciences, decision-analysis, and social and political sciences.
WP 1:
WP 2:
WP 3:
WP 4.1:
WP 4.1b
WP 4.2:
WP 4.3:
WP 5.1
WP 5.2:
WP 5.3:
Long-term study on the health of people in Swiss agriculture
Farmers’ agricultural practices and pest management decisions
Current agronomic management practices in Swiss apple farms
Trade-offs between preferences of stakeholders
Personal health evidence and the potential for attitude change
Role of targeted evidence in multi-level decisions