Transformation in Pesticide Governance

The Transformation

To simultaneously achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda in areas such as Biodiversity Conservation, Food Production and Consumption, a fundamental transformation in land use and agricultural production seems indispensable.

Different interests, needs, and priorities render this task a real challenge. So the general question arises:  How can we achieve successful sustainable transformation in areas of societal, economic, and environmental trade-offs?

To answer this question the TRAPEGO project focuses on pesticide use in agriculture in Switzerland; a cross-cutting theme where interests related to agricultural production are challenged by human and environmental health concerns.


Next webinar on Monday, April 29th, 2024 16-17h

The zoom link will be communicated shortly before the webinar on the homepage (here)

Sibylle Dueri (Agroscope): “Analyzing the consequences of policy reforms on pesticide risk in Switzerland“

Lucca Zachmann was the first doctoral student in the Trapego project to successfully defend his dissertation! Congratulations!

The TRAPEGO webinar series will be continued in spring 2024. The exact dates and topics will be published on this website.

Our research on barriers to evidence use for sustainable pesticide policy and practice is now featured on the European Commission platform for evidence-based policymaking:

Agricultural Economics & Policy Blog (German)

RSS Agrarökonomische Kommentare zur Schweizerischen Agrarpolitik
  • Europa braucht eine bessere Pflanzenschutzmittelpolitik, um die Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität zu verringern 18/04/2024
    Robert Finger, Kevin Schneider, Jeroen Candel, Niklas Möhring*  Das derzeitige Ausmass des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und kann die menschliche Gesundheit beeinträchtigen. Derzeitige Folgenabschätzungen und Politikanalysen konzentrieren sich oft auf Effekte auf die Nahrungsmittelproduktion und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit, aber weniger auf Effekte auf die Biodiversität, auch wenn diese, gerade mittel- und langfristig erheblichen Einfluss […]

TRAPEGO project meeting, summer 2022